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Halaman Habitat

Alocasia Cucullata

Alocasia Cucullata

Běžná cena 320,00 Kč
Běžná cena 900,00 Kč Výprodejová cena 320,00 Kč
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Alocasia Cucullata, charakteristická svými zelenými listy ve tvaru šípu a kompaktním růstem, je nádherným tropickým doplňkem. Ať už tuto pokojovou rostlinu umístíte do kterékoli místnosti, jistě si přijde na své. Alocasia Cucullata, dodávaná v 19cm kultivační nádobě, je opravdu nezbytností. Topper do každého interiéru!


Velikost hrnce: 17 cm

Délka: 70 cm

Péče o rostliny:

Podávejte Cuculluta 1krát týdně vodu a každý den kontrolujte, zda je půda stále dostatečně vlhká. Dávejte pozor, abyste pokojové rostlině nedali příliš mnoho vody.

Alocasia Cucullata má ráda hodně přímého slunečního světla. Ujistěte se, že Sloní ucho stojí blízko okna, aby zachytilo dostatek slunečního světla.

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Healthy Plants And Happy Customers

Those are our credos we stand by when picking the right plants for you.

  • We Care

    We care about our plants and where they come from. With us you will always have the best quality plants from the best growers.

  • We Understand Plants

    With a profound understanding of plant biology, environmental dynamics, and sustainable practices, we understand each plant ensuring that you understand its needs too.

  • We Hear You

    Just as our plants flourish under our care, so does our dedication to your satisfaction. We are adapting to your needs and constantly evolving to provide an exceptional experience.

    It starts abroad

    We pick our growers

    Your new plants journey begins way before it is born. We pick the most reliable and sustainable growers to ensure our plants are grown with cautiuosness and love.

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    Your Plant Travels To Us

    After we receive an order we contact our supplier to send the plants here to Czech. The plants usually have to travel from Netherlands or Denmark by specially equipped trucks to ensure the best contiditions for transporting plants.

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    We Check Your Plant

    We go thoroughly through the process of checking every single plant to meet our requirements. In inspection we look mainly for pests, damages and overall health of the plant.

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    Going to new home

    Sending The Plant To You

    If plant meets the requirements after inspection, we carefully pack it in multiple boxes ensuring safe travel.

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